Genshin Impact Guide, Kamisato Ayaka Permafreeze, The Deathly Team Comp in Genshin Impact
The Most Popular and Most Deadly Team Comp
Kamisato Ayaka, this character is one of the best DPS characters in Genshin Impact and is the best Cryo DPS in this game.
She can get this predicate because she can provide stable damage as a DPS besides that she is also very easy to use compared to other Cryo DPS like Ganyu.
Ayaka can be easily played by players who use PC or mobile players. Of course, this is different from Ganyu where players from mobile will have a little difficulty because Ganyu needs a pretty good aim
Besides being easy to use, Ayaka is also very easy to build, she doesn't need a great weapon to reach her full potential.
Therefore, many players rely on Kamisato Ayaka to conquer the many challenges that are spread across Tevyat, especially to clear the Spiral Abyss.
Although very strong, Ayaka cannot fight alone, she must fight together with other characters so that all her potential can be utilized properly.
One of the most popular and deadliest team comps from Ayaka is Permafreeze, a team comp that relies on the reaction of the freeze element, which is really deadly if used by Ayaka.
For those of you who still don't know how the team is made up, let's discuss it together.
Kamisato Ayaka Permafreeze

This team consists of 4 characters, namely: Kamisato Ayaka as DPS, Mona as Hydro Enabler as well as Burst DPS, Diona as Shielder as well as healer, and for the last slot you are free to use what you want if in my opinion you can use Sucrose or Kazuha if you have
Of the many Hydro characters, I recommend Mona more because of the omen effect she can produce, with the omen from Mona the damage received by the enemy will be greater.
In addition, Mona can give Hydro effects in a large area, in contrast to Xinqiu whose elemental burst can only target one person.
Diona's job here is as a shielder as well as a healer, besides that she can also help Ayaka to replenish the energy from her elemental burst.
For the last slot, you are free to use what you want, I think this last slot is better filled with characters who can group enemies.
For 5 stars there is Kazuha and also Venti who can do this, while for 4 stars there is Sucrose.
Apart from Ayaka, I think members of this comp team are quite easy to get, for Mona even though she is 5 stars but she is a rated off character so I think she must be easy to get.