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Tokyo Revengers Chapter 250 Spoiler: Senju Lost!

Tokyo Revengers Chapter 250 Spoiler: Senju Lost!

Senju lost against Haruchiyo! What will happen with Toman??

Preview Tokyo Revengers Manga Chapter 250 

The first battle between Toman and Kantou Manji has ended.

In this battle, Hakkai-Mitsuya and Chifuyu brought glory to Toman's side by defeating Haitani brothers and Mucho.

Tokyo Revengers Chapter 250 Spoiler: Senju Lost!

Even though this winning boosts toman's confidence but the battle has not ended. 

The next battle that will happen soon is the battle between Inupi and Wakasa as well as Sanzu Haruchiyo vs Kawaragi Senju.

Which side is the winner? 

We'll soon find out in the next chapter!

Tokyo Revengers Chapter 250 Manga Spoiler

Senju lost! 

There are some leaks that confirm Senju's defeat.

In chapter 250, Senju sets to fight with her own brother, Sanzu Haruchiyo.

At the end of chapter 249, Haruchiyo told Senju that he could read Senju's movement cause he is the one who taught her to fight.

Senju's ability is on par with other bosses and defeating Haruchiyo is not hard for her.

However, some things are not as simple as it is seen.

Senju lost in this battle despite her capability exceeding Haruchiyo.

Senju stated in chapter 250, she does not want to fight her own sibling, thus she back down.

But, Akkun brought surprising news in chapter 250.

Akkun won against Madarame Shion!

Shion is the former leader of black dragon and unexpectedly Akkun won over Shion.

The last battle of chapter 250 is the battle between Wakasa and Inupi.

Turns out, it is not a one vs one fight, but two vs one.

Inupi will not face Wakasa alone but he will also face Benkei altogether.

Actually, Inupi has a big chance to win if he faces Wakasa alone, yet he must deal with Brahman's strongest duo.

Who is the winner in this battle?

We'll soon find out in the next chapter!

Tokyo Revengers Chapter 250 Release Date

The newest chapter for Tokyo Revengers will be released on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 on Weekly Shounen Jump Official Website.

The English translation for this new chapter will also be released on the same day but delayed a few hours.

Where to read Tokyo Revengers Manga Chapter 250

Sadly, there is no official translation website that has released the newest chapter for Tokyo Revengers.

But you can buy the official chapter of this manga in website.

Also read: Top 7 Female Characters In Tokyo Revengers Loved by Fans