Genshin Impact Guide, The Newest Way to Play Jean, Jean Sunfire Set Up

Best Combo between Jean and Benneth
Jean, this five-star character is an anemo character that is often used as burst support or as a healer. at least that's what players often do when using Jean.
But if you look at it in more detail, Jean actually has several skills that can be used in a unique way, one of which is her elemental burst.
Dandelion Breeze, this elemental burst can deal anemo damage to enemies continuously while giving heals to characters who are in their area.
The interval of the anemo damage given is quite short, and as you know, the anemo attack can turn into another elemental attack if the element reacts with the anemo.
By taking advantage of this, Jean Sunfire appeared, Jean Sunfire herself took advantage of the anemo reaction with pyro so that Jean could give pyro damage consistently.
And for the pyro damage provider, Benneth is arguably the best candidate, he can buff and also apply pyro to characters who are in the elemental burst area.
So all you need to do is launch Benneth's elemental burst first and then do Jean's elemental burst, with this, Jean can do pyro damage consistently.
Actually, you can also do this with Sucrose, but Jean's attack interval is faster, so she can be better at dealing consistent pyro damage.
Jean Sunfire Build and Team Comp

The build itself is actually almost the same as the Jean Burst Support build, only for Jean Sunfire it requires more elemental mastery.
The build itself is actually almost the same as the Jean Burst Support build, only for Jean Sunfire it requires more elemental mastery.
It doesn't have to be full elemental mastery, but just one is enough, whether you use an artifact with elemental mastery main stat or you use weapons with elemental mastery substat.
For team comps, there are several options that you can use, and the popular ones are Jean Sunfire with Xinqiu and Raiden Shogun.
With Raiden Shogun as the provider of electro damage and Xinqiu as the provider of hydro damage, you can play 3 reactions at once with this combo.
For those of you who still don't understand, you can see the video content made by SevyPlays below:
Actually, there are still a lot of team comps that you can use with Jean Sunfire, and for those of you who are curious, you can check YouTube, there's been a lot of creator content discussing Jean Sunfire.