Anime Review: Luminous Witches, Idol Unit in the Middle of the Great War

New Series from the Strike Witches Franchise
Yo mina san!
Ok this time I will discuss the idol anime that is currently airing this season, namely Luminous Witches, this idol anime brings a new concept, namely the existence of idol units in the midst of war.
This series is the latest series from the Strike Witches franchise, for those of you who have seen anime from this series, you must have understood the main conflict of this series.
Told in this series, humanity is hit by a big battle against neuroi, neuroi are mysterious creatures who come to colonize mankind.
In the previous series, the story plot always revolved around the resistance of the witches (a female army unit that has the power to fight neuroi) with neuroi, but in this series the plot is made differently.
By combining elements of music and idols in it, Luminous Witches is born and provides the latest sensation for this season.
Curious what the story is like? let's review together.

Luminous Witches Synopsis
Humanity's war with Neuroi is still ongoing, in the midst of this war a very unique proposal appears.
The proposal states that the formation of a music unit can help humanity in the midst of a war with neuroi.
Of course, this proposal is doubted by many people because they do not understand how music can help humanity in war.
To prove this, a new music unit was formed that gathered various witches from various units.
The witches were problematic withces, and there was even a member who wasn't witches.
The meeting of the witches is the beginning of the formation of a musical unit, can they save many humans with their music?
Luminous Witches Review

The series from the Strike Witches franchise has always been the thing I've been waiting for the most, all series from this franchise I've watched.
Honestly, the appearance of Lumonous Withces itself made me a little surprised because they brought elements of music and idols into the world of Strike Witches, which incidentally has always been synonymous with war against neuroi.
Music and idols combined in war and action plots are nothing new, there are already several anime titles that take this combination.
Even so, I think the appearance of Luminous Withces this season will be very difficult, because this anime has to compete with one of the most popular idol franchises, Love Live.
Yes Luminous Witches airs in the current season alongside Love Live Superstars, but Luminous Withches has an advantage in several ways over Love Live Superstars.
As you already know, in previous seasons there were several idol anime that were considered very good, such anime as Selection Project, Idoly Pride, etc.
And here Luminous Witches comes up with a unique concept that is rarely raised, namely idols and war, I think this unique concept can make Luminous Witches even more popular this season.
For the storyline itself, there is nothing special in my opinion, here I found some of the same story patterns as the previous Strike Witches series.
The main characters in this series have a special condition that makes them different from other characters.
Virginia Robertson, or more familiarly called Gini is the main character of this series, she has a special ability where she can hear other people's voices from a distance, but she cannot reply to the voice, besides that she has a very mysterious tsukaima.
In the world of Strike Witches, Gini is categorized as a Night Witch where she is usually assigned to track the whereabouts of enemies and conduct patrols at night.
But this is impossible for Gini to do because she can only receive voices without being able to reply to them, besides that she is also just an ordinary civilian who doesn't know about the military world.
Seeing this condition, I became aware of the story pattern that is always used in other Strike Witches series.
Yes, you will always find this pattern in other series of this franchise, although it still uses the same pattern, I think the storyline will still be interesting.
One thing that makes me interested in this anime is the problem with the music unit, I'm curious about how they can save humans with music during wars.
Although it sounds very silly but think about it again, the problem is interesting, isn't it? Moreover, the music referred to here is packaged as idol music.
Overall, I highly recommend this anime for fans of the idol music genre, it looks like this anime can provide a new sensation for you.